Lauren had her endoscopy today. The procedure went well. They didn't see any ulcers or damage to her esophogus or stomach. It looks like her sphincter (sp?) muscle that goes from the esophogus to the stomach is loose so we are again talking about doing the nissan wrap. Jeff and I will talk with surgeons about that though. She had a really rough night last night. She tried to drink some water and about 15 minutes later threw up. She threw up again later that night and was in severe pain with her stomach. They gave her nausea and pain medication thru her IV and she was finally able to get some relief and go to sleep. Today they told us that they would be putting her on TPN (which is nutrition that she gets thru the IV...Libbi can tell everyone all about it :)! (Libbi has been a great source of help for me to understand a lot of things that I am not clear on....thanks, Libbi, I love you!) She is really knocked out this afternoon, which is a good thing. Sleep is good for her these days. I took a picture of her because she looks so sweet sleeping in her bed. We don't know how long we will be here, as her doctor told us today, she will be here until she gets well! We are taking things one day at a time and Lauren is a real trooper. She handles things very well and we are proud of her. We will let people know as we get more info! Thanks to everyone for you love, support, and prayers. They mean the world to us!
I think she'd look a lot sweeter in her own bed! But you are right..she looks darling. Ok...I am bossy and a knowitall. I'm glad you don't mind...and as I always say, remember two things about my advice, 1) I am a nurse not a doctor and there is much more I don't know than I do know (that is hard for me to admit but true nonetheless) and 2) my views are colored with PICU glasses so sometimes I see only the worst because that's what comes to us in the PICU...other than that, hang on my every word (heeheehee!!!)
Just checkin in. Hope you are feeling well soon, Lauren!
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