Daisypath Vacation tickers

Monday, April 07, 2008

General Conference

Wow...general conference was so good. I came away feeling more determined than ever to be a better and more dedicated follower of Christ. I loved all the talks...they were so inspiring and I was so excited to hear from President Monson. The mantle has surely passed from President Hinckley to him. The kids loved participating in the solemn assembly....Michael said he would be glad when he was 12 so he could stand up twice. The girls were thrilled when they asked the young women to stand and their faces beamed as they raised their hand in support of President Monson and the general authorities. It made Jeff and I so happy to see their understanding growing. We are now determined as a family to be a little better and try harder each day to, as President Monson asked us, be kinder to one another. I love, love, love General Conference. It helps me so much! We had a great week-end together as a family and actually enjoyed staying in our pj's all day on Sunday while we enjoyed conference together! I hope everyone else found the time to watch it as well! It was a week-end full of being edified!


kim e said...

I just have to ditto that! It was wonderful to be spiritual fed for 2 days. I told Jerry it seems like you are just out of the world for those hours and totally absorbing all you can. I am grateful for my testimony and Conference only strengthens it. I too love being home with family and enjoying it together.
Love ya,

Jodi said...

It was wonderful, wasn't it? I loved it and the break it gave me from the world. I used to think conference was so l-o-o-o-o-ng but now I think it is way to short!!! I could listen to these men forever!