Okay...so now I know this might not be a popular post with some of you but as you all know, I have an opinion about things so here goes. While I do believe that Governor Romney would have been the BEST choice for this country as President and when he didn't make that, then Vice President, I am happy with the choice that McCain made. This morning after I scoured the internet for clues before his VP pick was announced and saw that it was becoming very clear who it was going to be, I was at first upset then I decided to make it a matter of prayer because I take these things so to heart. I prayed that I would know by my feelings the will of the Lord and that I would get a feeling one way or the other about Sarah Palin. Well, as I listened to her speak today a good feeling came over me. I know that she has negatives about her and I have heard them all but I also believes that she has a lot of positives as well! I like how principled she is, I like how she continues to be a mom while she serves her country in this capacity and I like that she has some fire in her! I think she will be able to hold her on and I believe that she can be a quick learner in things that she isn't experienced in. She balances McCain's ticket and I will be voting for McCain because I can't stand for Obama to win...it is scary for me! I know there will be some that disagree with me and I guess that is what I love about this country....we can all have our points of view and express them! In the next few months we will get a clearer picture of Sarah Palin and I hope I won't be disappointed but I will follow Romney's lead and throw my support to this ticket! I believe it is the best one and as a woman and a mother I like that she can multitask so well! So...there you have my opinion for what it is worth! I'll keep following things closely and will be fair (not balanced probably...hahaha...but fair) and I think we should all give her a fair shot!!!!
On a personal note about her, my good friend knows her and has had dinner with her and her family. I was informed that she is just as nice and generous in her home as well. Nice to see someone from the at home perspective too.
I have 2 main problems with her - one is a relatively small one. Working Moms take valuable time from their children. I do not have to make her choice but will never agree with a newborn left to the care of others. A newborn with down syndrome that she chose to have should be her job not flying all over the world as vice president of one of the most powerful nations in the world.
2nd & a much bigger problem for me is not even her total lack of experience in foreign relations but rather John Mccain's making that a "huge" campaign issue with Obama and then choosing someone that at his death would have complete responsiblity for the USA foreign relations. I can see the celebrations in Korea, China, Iran & etc., etc.
It makes a complete level playing field for McCain & Obama with
1- one experienced & one not
2- one minority on both sides
3- one stick foot in mouth (Biden & McCain) & one charismatic (Obama & Palin)
4- both say one thing & do another (McCain & Obama)
5- both are conceited (McCain & Obama)
6- Military support - finally McCain team wins but Biden is a huge known supporter
7- anyway you get the point - what sets our team apart.
Yes she seems nice, & has a darling family, big mouth broad (I love them), very attractive, religion but a little evangalist for me personally, pro gun (too the extreme - 1000 carbiou antlers in her driveway bring scary thoughts to my mind). But where is the experience??? If she is President of the United States in February - can she handle it? I do not see how a mother of a 1 yr old with no experience will keep North Korea at bay. President Johnson still comes to mind after President Kennedy's death. The VietNam war was ugly.
I have not made a decision on voting as the press is just gearing up, I may have another choice. I pray that is the case.
I guess for me it was the good feeling that I got about her. I do believe that mothers should stay home with their kids when they have the opportunity to do so but I also know that she got into politics to promote a greater good. For that, I have a tremendous amount of respect for her. Not all of us have the opportunity to do that so I guess I like that she has a very supportive family that has allowed her to do just that. I also believe that she will devote time to her family because of her value system and that she does just that. As far as foreign policy issues go...who says that John McCain is going to die as soon as he takes the oath of office (if he does)? We all know lots of older people who are working right up into their late 70's so I guess I believe that he will stay around and with his experience in foreign relations, he is, as Romney said what we need in a president at this time, and remember, Obama is running for President, not Vice President so he should be the one, like McCain, with the experience.
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