I hadn't decided whether or not I was going to write a post about yet another hospital visit but this is my blog where I get to speak out about things in my life so I'm gonna go ahead and update...first off, we came in last Tuesday because after a week of unrelenting pain in Lauren's head and stomach with her blood sugars all over the map, we called Dr. Muenzer and he insisted we come in and have Lauren admitted. I am always prepared for a longer stay than I hope and it is turning out that this stay isn't going to be any different than the last ones. I am trying not to get frustrated but it gets hard sometimes. Lauren's blood work is not terrible but there are some things in it that make the doctors notice...her liver enzymes were elevated when she came in so they redid them this morning and they are a little bit higher. Because of that, they are going to draw some blood and make sure she doesn't have some kind of viral hepatitis going on or something (I'm praying that it won't be yet another thing). They are also concerned since she hasn't eaten anything since last Tuesday. She drinks water but every time she eats, she says that it hurts her stomach and she feels nauseous. They have a different medication they are going to put her on every 6 hours that is supposed to quell nausea and increase appetite. So....we are going to try and get her to take small sips of Boost and they may (much to my trepidation) put an ng tube down and run some liquid food to her to see if her stomach can tolerate small amounts. Jeff and I are still really unsure about that and Dr. Muenzer told me that if I didn't (or Lauren couldn't) want to do it that way, then they would have to go with TPN (nutrition thru the IV....which comes with it's own set of side effects) so I am unclear about which way to go. Just the thought of an ng tube is unsettling to me but it would be in a controlled environment with the IV running to maintain her blood sugar levels. The dhe protocol that has worked at times in the past for Lauren's migraines doesn't seem to be working this time so they will stop that tomorrow and they may try her on magnesium and caffeine thru the IV...once again, don't know if it will work but they want to try it! All of this guessing and trial and error, although I understand at times is necessary to try and find a solution, is wearing and frustrating. I'm trying to remain positive and upbeat and remember President Hinckley's counsel that "it will all work out." I just keep having to say that over and over and over.......