Today we are at Lakewood on our vacation and I just wanted to take a minute out and say that on this day, 2 years ago, we had to say goodbye to our precious little by Noah. No one loved being down here more than he one loved the golfcart more than he did. As we have ridden around on the golfcart and all the kids that have come to see us have jumped in it to ride, it has brought back very fond memories of my Noah and his ability to jump into the golf cart at a moments notice when he thought anyone was going to ride somewhere! I see his smile everywhere I turn and as we look at his little flipflops hanging from the back of our trailer, I can close my eyes and still see his little feet running across the campground in those little shoes. I can hear the sound of his laughter as he jumped up and down in the waves and how he loved to sit under the awning and "relax" with his feet propped up on one side of the chair. I can still see him busily working his puzzles we kept in the trailer for him and how he would snuggle on the bed with us at night. As much fun as we are having, these memories still bring tears to me...tears of gratitude that I was allowed to have him for five years. Tears of sorrow that I can't see him today running with everyone else and then tears of joy as I know if Jeff and I live in strict obedience to the Lord's commandments that I will one day be reunited with my precious little boy on the other side and that reunion will be sweet. For now, I will allow these memories to envelope me and I will shed a few tears and Jeff will wipe them away and together we will move forward with faith for we are an eternal family who understand the simple beauty of the Plan of Salvation and it brings us hope and peace and absolute faith that the Lord's promises are sure. So today is my Noah day and all is well! I love you Noah and I miss your presence in my life but one day our reunion will be sweet and then we can look back on this time and be grateful for the growth that our family experienced and it will have made us stronger!
You are blest and so are all of us for having known Noah! He will always be the baby of my grandchildren! And I love him so, as I do all of you. Momma
I love that picture. I think that is the happiest I ever saw him.
I read this & thought of all the times you told me of his riding around in the golfcart & of his sweet laughter when he was here with you. Of Jeff hitting the bump & Noah flying out - Jeff was worried but not Noah - go, go, go was his motto, Now, I hear you speak of the joy & love he brought you & Jeff and the entire family. But mostly I hear the faith that will bring him back into your arms again. I love you guys & I still love Noah.
Ah NOAH!!!! We love you and loved seeing those yellow balloons float ever higher when we released them and know that you too flew to heaven when released 2 years ago...Jean and Jeff, you continue to inspire and amaze us all...we love y' so much!!
(and I love this pic also!!!)
What a smile! Time goes on but memories never fail us. Noah was a special little boy and touched our lives in such a sweet and special way. Our hearts have an empty space that he was in but we will never forget his presence in our lives and how he touched us. Rest well Noah until we meet again. You have a special family that waits for the day that you will be together again.
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