Today has been a good day and I have been in a reflective mood. I have thought back today over the last year of my life and all that I have experienced. I think one of the sweetest things that has happened to me is the joy I have experienced in having good friends. I have been blessed to have many good friends and find great joy in my bonds of friendship and love with so many. I have thought today about 2 friends in particular who have walked a very long and lonely road with me this past year. Teri and Jane have gone above and beyond even what a good friend is and have experienced every high and every low with me along the way. I have called them at all hours and they have responded. I have received phone calls from them at the moment that I most needed to hear another voice. They have come to me no matter what was happening in their life and they have stood by me as I have shed tear after tear and have cried with me. They have celebrated the days when I was able to laugh and smile and they have buoyed me up on the days when I felt like the world was closing in around me. They have cheered the smallest steps I have made and they have walked with me down into the lowest lows that I could go. They have not left my side for a minute and they continue to be a great source of strength and love for me and they remind me of all that is good in this world! Thank you both for being the most valiant friends I could have and for never giving up on me. Thank you for giving with all of your hearts and connecting with mine! You will always be my heroes and have set for me a perfect example of what true friendship is all about! I know we will be friends thru eternity and I love you both! Thank you for this past year...I would not have made it without you both by my side! I will be a better friend because you have showed the way it is to be done!!!!!! Friends are wonderful!!!
Jean and Jane
Jean and Teri
I am so glad you had friends when you needed them. Life is truely a dark & lonely place without true friends.
I always think that you are such a good friend and that is why Heavenly Father has always blessed you with so many friends in return.
Love the photos!
I am glad you have two such awesome friends...I have good friends like that and as much as I love my family and especially my sisters, I would be very sad without my girlfriends!
I'm so glad that you have friends who are so wonderful. I have found that in my life sometimes my friends are the ones who have been able to strengthen me in a way that no one else can!
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